Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology sits at the interface between dentistry and medicine. It is a specialist clinical area of care for treating head and neck diseases. Oral Medicine involves diagnosis & nonsurgical management of diseases of the orofacial complex, systemic & behavioral disorders that impact oral health along with research in these areas. Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology deals with the acquisition and interpretation of radiographic imaging studies performed for diagnosis and treatment guidance for conditions affecting the maxillofacial region.
The vision is to excel in Oral Medicine and Radiology by driving early diagnosis, prevention and effective management of oral and maxillofacial diseases through clinical excellence and innovative research.
The discipline of oral medicine and radiology covers a broad area and includes
I. Oral medicine:
Students are trained to diagnose the common disorders of orofacial region by clinical
examination and with the help ofinvestigations with the emphasis on the following
· Orofacial pain, including temporomandibular disorders (TMD)
· Mucosal diseases
· Oral cancer and complications of cancer therapy
· Dental care for patients with disabilities
· Neurosensory and motor disorders
· Salivary dysfunction
· Oral complications of systemic illnesses
II. Oral and maxillofacial radiology:
Malla Reddy Institute of Dental sciences has a state of art radiology department with AERB guidelines. Radiology department is equipped with Digital OPG machine, 3 intra oral radiographic(IOPA) machines and a RVG unit. Students are trained to take various radiographs along with interpretation
III. Forensic odontology:
Students are imparted knowledge on medicolegal aspects of orofacial injuries, personal identification including age estimation, bitemark and lip print analysis ect. so as to become competent to recognize forensic cases with dental implications when consulted by police, forensic pathologists, lawyers and associated professionals.
IV. Behavioral sciences and ethics:
The aim of teaching behavioral sciences is to impart knowledge and skills that enables the student to apply principles of behavior
a) For all round development of his personality
b) In various therapeutic situations in dentistry
S.No. | Name of the Staff | Qualification | Designation |
1 | Dr. Ch. Lalitha | MDS | Professor & HOD |
2 | Dr. Aitha Harisha | MDS | Reader |
3 | Dr. Y.C.Chaitanya | MDS | Reader |
4 | Dr. P.Manojna | MDS | Senior Lecturer |
5 | Dr. K. Ratna Sudha | BDS | Junior Lecturer |