Code of Conduct

The Institute is distinguished by a community of cultured intellectuals, embodying a commitment to both freedom and responsibility. The ethos here emphasizes the harmonious coexistence of rights and duties, recognizing that awareness of one’s rights must be accompanied by a conscientious understanding of corresponding duties.

The institution’s character is forged through disciplined and harmonious functioning, where policies play a pivotal role in maintaining equilibrium between freedom and responsibility, rights and duties. These policies are carefully formulated and disseminated to ensure that the pursuit of knowledge is conducted with due respect for all individuals involved.


Malla Reddy Institute of Dental Sciences upholds a robust code of conduct that applies to both staff and students, fostering behavior that aligns with the Institute’s standards. Each individual is accountable for their actions, ensuring adherence to these norms.

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  1. Appreciate the Institutional goals and objectives and contribute to the realization of the same by participating in relevant Institutional activities.
  2. Have a clear knowledge of the programs, rules, and regulations of the Institution.

  3. Follow the time schedules, rules, and regulations of the Institution.

  4. Undertake regular and intense study of learning materials.

  5. Make optimum use of the learning resources and other support services available in the Institution.

  6. Prepare for continuous internal assessment and term-end examinations.

  7. Give feedback for system improvement.

  8. Have faith and ability to pursue lifelong learning.

  9. Live as worthy alumni of the Institution.


  1. Rules for conduct by students of Malla Reddy Institute of Dental Sciences, Hyderabad pertain to the subject of maintenance of discipline and good conduct by students.
  2. These rules have been framed with the aim of guiding students and their parents/guardians or visitors on what they can expect from MRIDS and what MRIDS expects from them in return, by way of ensuring a healthy and clean environment for studies as well as personality development of the students.
  3. Discipline, punctuality, and commitment to learn are the basic requirements to become a good dental graduate. The students should be regular and punctual for the teaching programs.



  1. Malla Reddy Institute of Dental Sciences recommends students have good behaviors and conduct with junior students and other students.
  2. Shall restrict from all activities deemed under the preview of ragging, which is a criminal offense.
  3. There shall be no discrimination based on face, colors, caste, creed, religion, nationality or sex.
  4. The students found to be involved in ragging will immediately be suspended and may also be handed over to the police.
  5. If the charges of ragging are proved, the students shall be discharged from the college. The fee deposited with the college will also be forfeited.
  6. In the event of any ragging, students must complain immediately to the authorities. Telephone numbers of the Dean, and the Members of the Anti-Ragging Committee will be put up on the notice board for information of all.
  7. All the students and parents have to give an undertaking that they are aware that ‘Ragging is an offense’ and in case any student indulges in such activity, he/she will be punished as per rules.



  1. Students shall strictly follow the dress code while attending classes and clinical postings.


  1. The minimum required attendance for students is 75%. Students who do not have the required minimum attendance are not eligible to appear in the University Examination. Kindly note that absence/leave on Medical grounds does not have any concession. Submission of a Medical Certificate does not entitle the student to seek any condonation of a shortage of attendance.
  2. It is compulsory for repeaters and detained students to attend classes in the failed subject/subjects and put in a minimum of 75% attendance as applicable.
  3. Keeping in view the interest of parents and students, the College informs them about the attendance from time to time. However, the students can neither claim it as a right to be informed nor seek exemption for being unaware of the shortage of attendance and its consequences.



  1. The admission process for First-year students of all institutes extends from one week to one month or more. The students may join the course during that period on different dates but before the last date. In such a situation, the attendance is calculated from the date of commencement of term (as notified by the College) and not from the date of the students actually joining the course. The students whose admissions are delayed due to various reasons should note this point and attend the classes regularly to make up the deficiency due to late admission.
  3. The patients coming to the hospital are offering themselves for treatment, thereby giving an opportunity for young doctors to learn. Students are not doing any favor by treating these patients. Hence a sincere and humane approach is necessary.
  4. The students should learn the local language for better communication and management of patients.
  5. The students must treat the patients under the supervision of the teaching staff and shall obtain approval at each step. Records of clinical work done have to be maintained and duly certified for submission at the time of Examination.
  6. The students are advised to treat their patients with respect, sympathy, and care. They are further advised to complete their work on time and thus maintain the patient’s appointment without any postponement.
  2. Appearing for formative and summative examinations is mandatory. If any candidate remains absent for any examination, no marks will be given for the same.
  3. Make a note of the correct timings and days of the examinations and attend accordingly.
  4. Reach the examination hall 30 minutes before the scheduled time.
  5. Bring the admission tickets to the examination hall every day.
  6. Read the instructions given in the admission tickets and act accordingly.
  7. Should not wear aprons in the examination hall.
  8. Shall follow all the rules and regulations of the University for appearing in the examination.
  2. Students must respect all the staff members at all times. They must refrain from socializing with staff members, whether inside or outside the campus.
  3. Students are not permitted to visit residential quarters of staff members unless it is for unavoidable and urgent work or when the staff member concerned has invited them.
  4. Staff members are not expected to visit students in their hostel room even if invited by the students.
  5. All Institutional get-togethers of staff members and students will require prior approval of the authorities.
  1. Shall abstain from the use/possession of alcohol, tobacco, drugs, or any other intoxicants in the campus and hostel.
  2. Campus is smoke-free.
  3. Shall not cluster in corridors or crowd in front of offices or campus roads.
  4. Unauthorized entry of outsiders into the campus as well as in the hostels is strictly prohibited. Without specific permission from the authorities, students shall not bring outsiders into the institute or hostels.
  5. Shall obtain prior permission from authorities to exhibit any type of banners, flags, boards, etc. inside the campus, hostels, gate, building, or compound wall.
  6. Shall help in maintaining the clean campus.
  2. Accommodation in the boys’/girls’ hostels is allotted to students not as a matter of right but as per the policies framed by and at the discretion of the Management. A student can be expelled from the hostel by giving a notice of 48 hrs. Without assigning any reason for the expulsion. Hostel fees of students expelled on grounds of indiscipline will be forfeited.
  3. The policy for the allotment of rooms will be decided by the Management and may be changed to cater to unforeseen cases/circumstances. Allotment of rooms made by the authorized staff member will be strictly adhered to. Changes shall not be made on their own.
  4. No student

 is permitted to stay in a hostel room without having paid the hostel fee in full and obtaining an allotment order from the Warden.

  1. No student is allowed to share his/her room with anyone who is not an authorized occupant of the room, as allotted by the Warden.
  2. Parents/relatives of bonafide boarders are not permitted to stay in the hostels without prior approval from the Warden.
  3. Shall follow institutional rules and directions from hostel authorities for ensuring the safety and well-being of students in the hostel.
  4. Shall exhibit the highest order of self-esteem and self-respect and prohibit themselves from indulging in anti-institutional, anti-national anti-social communal, immoral, or political expressions within the hostel.
  2. Room Inventory – All furniture and fixtures in the rooms allotted to students must be cared for properly.
  3. Interchange of Furniture/fixtures – Students are prohibited from interchanging any furniture/fixture from one point/location in the hostel to another.
  4. Economy in the consumption of water and Electricity – All students are expected to exercise care and restraint in the use of water and electricity. Lights/fans not in use must be switched off whenever a student leaves his/her room. The amount of money saved through the economy in the use of electricity can be utilized for the improvement of facilities in the hostels and the campus.
  2. Students shall not use mobile phones in classrooms, hospital OPD, library, examination hall, etc.
  2. Any student who wishes to submit any suggestion/complaint against the working of any system/facility in hostel/campus or against any employee/persons working with the Institution must do so in writing to the Dean.
  3. The students having individual problems can approach their respective mentor or the Dean directly.
  4. Common problems shall be represented to the Dean in writing through the respective Class Representatives (CR) only.
  5. Students staying in the hostel will address their grievances to their respective Rector.
  6. Students not staying in the hostel will address their grievances to their Principal.
  2. The college Library will remain open from 09:00 am to 04:00 pm on all working days, Central Library will remain open from 09:00 am to 12:00 midnight on all working days, including Sundays. On holidays – from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm.
  3. On National holidays, the library shall remain closed.
  4. Students/Interns are discouraged from the use of the library during college hours. During clinical hours, they are required to produce a permission note from the concerned departments to be permitted to use the library.
  6. Students and Interns desirous of utilizing the library must enter their name, time of entry, class, and signature in the Attendance Register before entering the library.
  7. They shall also write the time of leaving the library and put their signature in the register.
  8. Books are to be handled carefully. Underlining or highlighting in the books is not permitted.
  9. Silence is to be strictly maintained. No group discussions, chatting, or sleeping is permitted within the library.
  10. Eatables/beverages are not permitted in the library.
  11. Instructions of the librarian/assistants will have to be adhered to.
  1. Commitment to the Profession and Institute
  1. Every teaching staff member shall be governed by a code of conduct notified by the Competent Authority from time to time.
  2. Observe strict moral and ethical standards in their work and personal life.
  3. Render services with complete personal integrity.
  4. Be proud of the dignity of their work or profession.
  5. Maintain absolute integrity, a high sense of devotion to duty, good behavior, and a standard of conduct.
  6. Staff should be honest and loyal to the Institute and institution and abide by the rules notified from time to time.
  7. They should carry out the work assigned to them by their superiors conscientiously, following specific or general instructions, and maintain discipline at all times in the department, workplaces, or premises of the institute or institution.
  8. Always be neatly dressed while on duty and keep their person and workplace tidy and clean, maintaining cleanliness of the Institute and institution at all times.
  9. Teachers should take care of their departmental instruments, machines, and avoid damaging institutional property.
  10. Every teacher shall comply with all safety and health rules and procedures at all times and perform the work assigned to them carefully to protect themselves and others from any risk.
  11. No teaching staff should misuse the records or notices of the Institute or Institution.
  12. No staff shall disturb the peaceful atmosphere of the Institute or Institution through demonstrations, shouting, loud talking, or any other disruptive behavior prejudicial to the interests of peaceful work.
  13. No staff shall engage in quarrels, cross-talk, abuse, fights, violence, or any disorderly or indecent behavior on the premises of the Institute or Institution.
  14. No staff shall collect money on any premise without written permission from the Competent Authority.
  15. No staff shall discriminate or be discriminated against on any grounds, including but not limited to color, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, ethnicity, age, disability, pregnancy, veteran status, or other legally protected factors.
  16. No teaching staff shall undertake employment without written permission from the Competent Authority or engage in any business, trade, private practice, tuition, or association with coaching classes while in service of the Institute or institution.
  17. No teaching staff shall indulge in or encourage any form of malpractice or anti-social activity prejudicial to the fair name, credit, and credibility of the Institute or Institution.
  18. Each teaching staff member shall provide necessary assistance and services regarding examinations, preceptorship, autonomous cell, and any other assigned work beyond their routine duties.
  19. Teaching staff shall not misuse residential accommodation or any other facility or concession granted by the Institute or Institution. No employee shall sublet, lease out, or allow occupation by any other person of residential accommodation allotted by the Institute or the Institution without permission.
  20. Teaching staff, after cancellation of their residential accommodation allotment, should vacate within the specified time limit.
  21. Teaching staff should avoid activities that may embarrass the Institute or Institution.
  22. Teaching staff should not bring or attempt to bring any outside influence to bear upon a superior authority to further their interests regarding employment matters.
  23. No staff shall engage in or propagate any political activity, canvas for contesting elections, or hold such meetings within the premises without prior permission.
  24. No staff shall act in contravention of these service rules or any other relevant statutory rules or instructions.
  25. A staff member, upon leave, suspension, discharge, dismissal, resignation, or non-working status, shall vacate the institution’s premises unless allowed by the Competent Authority.
  26. Teaching staff shall always act in the Institute and Institution’s best interest, ensuring that any personal or business association does not conflict with their role in the Institute or Institution.
  27. Commitment to Co-workers
  1. Be impartial, sympathetic, and helpful to all learners and co-workers.
  2. Strive to cultivate freedom of thought and expression, and develop a scientific temper in themselves, learners, and co-workers.
  3. Organize and promote activities fostering universal brotherhood among pupils and co-workers.
  4. Take a stand against unhealthy customs and practices, promoting cooperation, justice, and social service.
  5. Inculcate care, love for the motherland, respect for all, and respect for the rule of law in learners.
  6. Be courteous and considerate towards institute or institution authorities, students, parents, patients, colleagues, visitors, superiors, and co-workers at all times.
  7. Be cooperative towards colleagues.
  8. Avoid maligning or falsely implicating authorities, superiors, or any other employee.
  9. Accept work allotted by the head of the Institute or institution or department or the Appointing Authority in addition to routine duties.
  10. Avoid interfering with other employees’ work or causing disturbances or annoyances.
  11. Cooperate and collaborate with colleagues for the college and students’ development.
  12. Act professionally towards colleagues, irrespective of their position, gender, or status within the institutional hierarchy.
  13. Work for students’ academic and clinical development and contribute to the institution’s development.
  1. Attendance, Leave & Absence
  1. Teaching staff shall report to their workplace at the prescribed time by the Head of the Institution. A grace period of ten minutes may be allowed. Latecoming deductions apply beyond this grace period.
  2. Teaching staff should strictly follow institutional timings. Early departures are subject to deductions based on the frequency.
  3. Latecoming and early goings shall run consecutively.
  4. Leave the college premises only after obtaining permission from the head of the institution.
  5. Ensure proper permission for leaving and returning to the premises.
  6. Do not take out or use institute property for personal purposes without sanction.
  1. Commitment to the Students & Patients
  1. Teaching staff must not accept gifts in cash or kind from parties connected with the Institute or Institution’s activities.
  2. Respect the confidentiality of information about students and patients.
  3. Demonstrate commitment to excellence, respect, discipline, responsibility, and patriotism to students.
  4. Encourage respect for authority, property, and acceptable attitudes.
  5. Foster good human relations and qualities.
  6. Avoid undue familiarity with students.
  7. Stimulate enquiry, knowledge acquisition, and goal formulation.
  8. Respect and protect students’ health and safety.
  9. Do not discriminate based on ability, caste, color, or creed.
  10. Cooperate with parents for their children’s benefit.
  11. Commitment to the Community
  1. Adhere to responsible behavior patterns accepted by the community for professional persons.
  2. Participate in community activities with due consideration.
  3. Respect and be loyal to the community and nation.
  4. Work to improve education and strengthen the community’s moral, spiritual, and intellectual life.
  5. Cooperate with approved agencies concerned with student welfare.
  1. Be governed by a code of conduct notified by the Competent Authority from time to time.
  2. The college is committed to providing an environment of equal opportunity, free from discrimination, for existing and prospective staff and students in pursuit of their academic and professional goals and the realization of their potential.
  3. In an equitable community, all members can access opportunities that allow for their full participation in that community.
  4. The members are committed to fair assessment of employees and a workplace culture that values and supports life balance in order to attract, develop, and retain the highest quality staff.
  5. The administrative staff shall be committed to maintaining an environment where students and staff are valued, respected, and able to realize their full potential.
  6. All forms of harassment and discrimination are unacceptable, and all complaints will be dealt with fairly and promptly.
  7. All administrative staff must act lawfully, act within their delegations of authority, and comply with University policies.
  8. The management expects all those engaged in research to observe high ethical standards in the conduct of that research and, when relevant, to comply with the obligations imposed by the codes of practice as outlined by the college and other relevant funding bodies. Ethical clearances must be gained where appropriate.
  9. Administrative staff should not solicit, encourage, or accept gifts or benefits if it could be reasonably seen as an inducement to act in a particular way or to place a staff member under an obligation that may either directly or indirectly compromise or influence them in their official capacity.
  10. In particular, administrative staff should indicate to prospective givers that gifts cannot be accepted from those with whom the college has or potentially has commercial dealings.
  11. MRIDS strives at all times to maintain the highest standards of quality and integrity.
  12. Financial matters shall be dealt with utmost honesty, accuracy, and fairness.
  13. Members of the college must be committed to protecting the health and safety of its members by providing safe workplaces.
  14. The institution shall provide information and training about health and safety, hazards, and safeguards.
  15. Administrative staff members must adhere to good health and safety practices and comply with all environmental health and safety laws and regulations.
  16. All administrative staff are expected to cooperate fully in the investigation of any misconduct.
  17. Observe strict moral and ethical standards in their work and personal life.
  18. Render services with complete personal integrity.
  19. Be proud of the dignity of their work or profession.
  20. Maintain absolute integrity, a high sense of devotion to duty, good behavior, and a standard of conduct.
  21. Staff should be honest and loyal to the Institute and institution and abide by the rules notified from time to time.
  22. Administrators shall strive to maintain a peaceful atmosphere in the Institute.
  23. Administrators should not discriminate on any ground, including but not limited to color, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, ethnicity, age, disability, pregnancy, veteran status, or other legally protected factors.
  24. Each administrative staff member shall render necessary assistance and service in respect of works related to examination, preceptorship, autonomous cell, and any other ancillary work for which they are responsible from time to time, over and above their routine duties.
  25. Administrative staff shall not make any improper use of residential accommodation or any other facility or concession granted to them by the Institute or Institution. Save as otherwise expressly permitted by the Institute or Institution, no employee shall sublet, lease out, or otherwise allow occupation or use by any other person of the residential accommodation allotted to them by the Institute or the Institution. They also shall not use it or allow it to be used for the purpose of business, trade, or any other purpose.
  26. No staff shall commit an act in contravention of or in derogation of any of the provisions of these service rules and any other enabling provisions of relevant statutory rules or instructions.
  27. Be impartial, sympathetic, and helpful to all employees and co-workers.
  28. Strive to cultivate freedom of thought and expression and to develop a scientific temper in themselves and in their employees and co-workers.
  29. Organize and promote all activities that foster a feeling of universal brotherhood among employees and co-workers.
  30. Take a stand against unhealthy customs and practices in modern society and strive to instill into the minds of employees and co-workers the principles of cooperation, justice, and social service.
  31. Strive to inculcate, by precept and example, into the minds of employees, the care and love for the motherland and respect for all and for the rule of law.
  32. Always be courteous and considerate towards the Institute, students, parents, patients, colleagues, visitors, seniors, and co-workers.
  33. Administrators should work for the development of students/employees in academic and administrative aspects and also contribute to the development of the Institution.
  34. Administrative staff should respect the confidentiality of information acquired in the course of their work about employees, students, patients, and should not disclose any such information to a third party without specific approval from the Competent Authority/Court of the law unless there is a legal obligation to disclose the same.
  35. Place high value on and demonstrate to employees a commitment to excellence in work, manners, and achievement.
  36. Stimulate the spirit of inquiry, the acquisition of knowledge and understanding, and the thoughtful formulation of worthy goals.


  1. General Rules:
  1. Every employee shall –

   – Be governed by a code of conduct notified by the Competent Authority from time to time.

   – Observe strict moral and ethical standards in their work and personal life.

   – Render services with complete personal integrity.

   – Organize and promote all activities fostering a feeling of universal brotherhood among pupils and co-workers.

   – Be polite at all times towards higher authorities, patients, visitors, parents, and students.

   – Have good conduct and devotion towards the work allotted to them by the institute.

   – Be honest and loyal to the Institute and institution and abide by the rules notified from time to time.

   – Always respect institutional authorities and carry out the work allotted to them with responsibility and devotion.

   – Cooperate with superiors and co-employees, refraining from committing nuisances or abetting indiscipline among others.

   – Avoid maligning or falsely implicating authorities, superiors, or any other employee of the institute at any time.

   – Accept any work allotted by the head of the Institute or institution, or Department, or by the Appointing Authority in addition to their current responsibilities, considering the ethos of the Institute.

   – Always be neatly dressed while on duty and keep their person and workplaces tidy and clean, maintaining cleanliness in the Institute at all times.

   – Wear the provided uniform or dress code while on duty and display the identity card issued by the Institute.

   – Ensure the safety of machines, tools, materials, equipment, furniture, and all other property of the Institute, avoiding misuse or careless use.

   – Report to work at the prescribed time, with a grace period of ten minutes allowed, and adhere to the late-coming policy.

   – Not abstain from duty without prior permission, and not leave the premises without proper authorization.

   – Refrain from disturbing the peaceful atmosphere, engaging in disorderly behavior, or causing any disturbance at the Institute.

   – Not collect money without written permission, interfere with others’ work, or damage Institute property.

   – Avoid discrimination based on various factors and not indulge in or encourage any form of malpractice or anti-social activity.

   – Follow specific or implied orders regarding behavior and conduct issued by the head of the Institute or authorized personnel.

   – Not engage in activities that could embarrass the Institute or bring outside influences to bear upon superiors.

   – Not participate in political activities within the premises without prior permission or be associated with banned organizations.

   – Not commit acts contrary to service rules or enabling provisions of relevant statutory rules or instructions.

   – Vacate the premises promptly when not working unless permitted otherwise by the Competent Authority.

   – Disclose any conflicts of interest to the Competent Authority to avoid disciplinary actions.

   – Consent to searches while entering, remaining, or leaving the premises as directed by the Competent Authority.

  1. Duties and Responsibilities of Non-Teaching Staff:
  1. They should strictly follow the biometrics system.
  2. Maintain the service book of all staff members of the institute.
  3. Maintain all document files at the college or department level.
  4. Maintain records of teaching and non-teaching personnel and keep them up-to-date.
  5. Prepare and maintain student attendance records, exam forms, ID cards, and distribute them.
  6. Handle scholarship records for students and submit them to relevant offices promptly.
  7. Perform typing tasks related to the section and assist in emergency typing assignments.
  8. Maintain an Inward Outward register.
  9. Distribute letters to concerned staff.
  10. Maintain leave records accurately.
  11. Type required documents and organize records appropriately.
  12. Inform department heads before leaving.
  13. Type dictated content, draft letters for various departments, get them signed, and file them.
  14. Assist in admissions tasks, maintain admission files, and ensure accuracy of student records.
  15. Keep classrooms, staff rooms, and demo rooms clean.
  16. Complete tasks assigned by department heads and other staff members.
  17. Remain in the office until permitted by higher authorities.
  18. Be attentive to office or dean’s office bells.
  19. Display timetables, examination notices, hall tickets, and other circulars on notice boards.
  20. Submit forms and necessary documents to university offices.
  21. Assist in examination duties as assigned, such as preparing exam halls and handling exam materials.
  22. Ensure cleanliness of academic and administrative buildings, including toilets and classrooms.
  23. Keep classroom boards clean and ready before lectures.
  24. Provide necessary materials for teaching staff.
  25. Maintain cleanliness in the college library.
  26. Conduct regular rounds for cleanliness and hygiene.
  27. Submit daily reports on maintenance and cleanliness to the principal.
  28. Sweep corridors and maintain cleanliness.
  29. Carry out any other duties assigned by the principal or staff members.
  30. Ensure lights, fans are switched off when not needed and secure premises before leaving.
  31. Submit keys to the appropriate authority before leaving with permission.
  32. Disclose any conflicts of interest to avoid disciplinary actions.
  33. Consent to searches as required by the Competent Authority.